Wednesday, April 04, 2007

First ride on the choo-choo

Looking out at life
Originally uploaded by wildcats' fan.
We took Ryan on his first train ride last Sunday in New Haven, KY. It's about 50 miles from Louisville. The weather was conducive for any outdoor type of activities and I figured, since last year we didn't quite make it for a train ride, I felt compelled to do it this time. Plus, I had to bribe him each time he behaves bad; "If you wanna go on the choo choo ride, no spitting, no hitting, no whining and no crying"!!! Yeah, it only worked some....not all.

New Haven is located south of Kentucky and the journey was just breathtaking and more often than not, I repeatedly saying, "Oh my God! This is heavenly" one too many times. It's the kind of journey where you just couldn't keep your eyes closed or intentionally or unintentionally fall asleep. Car sleepers, you have no idea what you're missing. This is the kind of atmosphere I have been missing for 26 years of my life. Serenity, tranquility, peace, quiet, calm, laid-back and all the adjectives one can find in Webster's.

Ever since I moved to Kentucky 6 years ago, I have learned to appreciate the country living, something to the contrary of what I was used to...hustle bustle of the so-called city life, the noise, the traffic, the rudeness, the disrespectfulness, the ill-mannered....and of course the list can go on and on. Don't get me wrong, not one city is perfect without and cons about it and I do miss home terribly. It's just that I don't know if I miss the mess & chaos.

I came across tons of abandoned barns, horses, silos, corn fields....great place to take tons of pictures of but I was rushing to make it before 2pm or I would. We didn't even have anything to eat so when we got there, we learned that we had plenty of time to kill. We looked around to find any fast food restaurants but there was none. That says a lot :-) It means, you're in a country alright!! So we had to drive about 7 miles away to get to the ONLY Pizza Hut around that vicinity.

The ride was fun. The Conductor was explaining to us the history of Kentucky Railway but I couldn't tell you what or how or when as Ryan was being a tad disorderly. Well, it wasn't completely his fault. He's a 3 year old, and what does he care about the history? All he wanted to do right that second was to get on that dag on train!!!!!!

His dream finally came ride on Choo-Choo. It costs quite a bit but it's well worth it. To see the excitement and joy on his face......priceless. I wouldn't trade anything for the pure and authentic expression on that boy's face. From what I heard, Thomas The Tank Engine is coming in July. Oh man! Ryan will be thrilled!!!

All in all, it was a great day. I just can't get over of how beautiful the weather kind of weather :-)


Blogger TwoHands said...

hmmm.... it sounds like the train ride was more for your own pleasure than it was for ryan ;-)

thanks for taking the rest of us on that ride with you with your awesome detailed account of the whole thing.

10:52 PM  

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